Sunset over 4 GT11’s in the Dairy State
Rumford, Maine
Our data acquisition setup. Using our BeranĀ® PlantProtech 767 Portable Analyser
Lots of connections
In Palatka Florida
Startup for a coal BBC unit!!!
Sunrise in Missouri
Nymolla Sylvamo
Using Motion Amplification to detect and monitor vibration at 490Hz on VERY HOT pipes.
Exciter Exchange
Watching vibration after an exciter exchange on a BBC machine
Consulting for power we know well
When you cant figure out how to balance the unit, CALL US!! We can help!!
After Outage Startup- Beautiful
In Maryland for this plant
Plugged into the brain
Monitoring startup at a papermill in Vicksburg MS
Lakewood, New Jersey
Balancing 2 units